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  • Writer's pictureCasey Morgan-Kellow

My top 7 tips for liver health you need to know this New Year

Updated: Oct 15, 2019

Simple tips to give your liver a little boost this new year

The silly season has come and gone again, and hopefully most of us have got through the thick of it relatively unscathed. But if you have been enjoying the bubbles and indulgent food as much as most, than it is likely that your liver has been under the pump!

The liver is such an important organ for keeping us feeling healthy and full of energy, being responsible for multiple metabolic and digestive functions. The liver spends a good chunk of it's time, day in and day out, detoxifying all those toxins we put into our bodies, by converting them into less harmful metabolites and expelling them. However, when the liver is required to do more than it can keep up with, it's ability to detoxify efficiently becomes compromised and those toxins are left to circulate, often contributing to feelings of lethargy, poor concentration, nausea, headaches, bloating and more.

So, if you think your liver could use a little boost (and I think most of us do!) here are a few things you can do daily so that your liver can keep on keep'n you healthy.

  • Eat Your Greens! Think broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, collard greens, cabbage, kale and bok choy. These vegetables are from the Brassica family and they contain compounds with the ability to boost the detoxifying enzymes in our livers.

  • Include garlic in your meals - Garlic is a power house of beneficial compounds. It has the ability to enhance phase II liver detoxification and increases the synthesis of the important liver antioxidant glutathione.

  • Ensure you are eating enough protein - essential amino acids obtained from protein from meat and vegetable sources are vital for optimal liver function and detoxification pathways.

  • Eat liver loving herbs and spices such as sage, turmeric, rosemary and cumin by adding them to your cooking. They boost phase I and phase II liver detoxification. Why not try a turmeric latte.

  • Increase dietary fibre to improve gastrointestinal function and reduce the load on the liver. The gastrointestinal system is an important elimination system. If it isn’t excreting toxins effectively than those toxins are reabsorbed to be dealt with by the liver. A focus on pre-biotic foods, such as onion, garlic, leeks and asparagus, will also promote a healthy gastrointestinal system by nurturing your good gut bacteria.

  • Prioritise your sleep! A study published in the Journal of Anatomy found that sleep deprivation is linked to oxidative stress of the liver and metabolic disease. Aim for roughly 7-8 hours of sleep a night. In my ideal world, I would get 9 hours every night if I could, but the ideal number changes from person to person

  • Reduce your chemical load - We are exposed to a scary number of chemicals on any given day and our livers are left to clean up the mess. Chemical exposure comes from multiples sources including cosmetic and beauty products, cleaning products, chemical pesticides in our food, medications, food packaging and the list goes on and on. Try to minimise this exposure as much possible by choosing natural personal care products, using BPA free drink bottles and food containers, and buying organic fruit and vegetables when possible. If you are stuck on where to start, websites like EWG offer fantastic guides on everything from healthy cleaning products to chemical free insect repellants.

I hope these tips help you and your liver enjoy a healthier 2018, however, keep in mind, a turmeric latte cannot undo the bottle of wine you drank last everything in moderation!

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